Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

This series of photographs explores the New York subway system in the early morning, with its strange light, infrastructural decay, and feeling of surveillance that combined creates an environment that evokes the feeling of Film Noir.

Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground
Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

This series of photographs explores the New York subway system in the early morning, with its strange light, infrastructural decay, and feeling of surveillance that combined creates an environment that evokes the feeling of Film Noir.

Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

Sunrise Underground

Fall 2017

show thumbnails